Creative friends
I am very lucky to have a circle of wonderful and amazingly talented creative friends. Here's a bit about them.
This is Jules
Julia is a 30-something Brit, Instagram addict and journalist turned publicist turned blogger and content creator. Sharing with you the musings from her every day; the things, places and spaces she loves; and introducing you to the creative people she finds inspiring (and secretly wants to be)!
Julia and I were colleagues on a project at work and we became instant friends. She jumped right out of her comfort zone and into the world of self employment just six months ago to follow her dream. She's also an amazing photographer. Check out her website using the button below, or follow her on Instagram at
Jasper & Rose
"Jasper & Rose celebrates simple living and supports creative souls to grow and thrive."
Jo and I became friends whilst working together. She took the plunge and left her day job to work for herself as a designer and blogger. We had many a talk over the months before she left, while she decided her future, which helped us both to get some perspective and go for our dreams. Now she's working for herself and loving her new life.
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